Information for workers, employers and licence holders about managing the risks of scaffolding.
On this page:
The risks of scaffolds and scaffolding work
Scaffolds must stay complete, compliant and safe for the duration of the build, to ensure structural integrity, and that there are no gaps for people to fall through.
Work health and safety obligations
As an employer, principal contractor, and/or a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), you are responsible for the health and safety of everyone in your workplace, including visitors. This is your primary duty of care.
Make sure:
- the scaffold is only erected, altered and dismantled by workers with the appropriate scaffolding high risk work (HRW) licence. You can check a high risk work licence is valid by visiting Verify.licence.
- you inspect the scaffold before accepting written confirmation (e.g. handover certificate), to be assured you have a complete, safe and compliant scaffold
- the scaffold is inspected at least every 30 days by a competent person
- there is a plan or clear understanding of how/when the scaffold will be modified as the construction project progresses, so that the scaffold remains safe and compliant throughout the build
- there are effective systems in place to stop unauthorised access to incomplete sections of the scaffold
- unlicenced workers do not alter the scaffold
- workers on scaffolds are protected from powerlines. Talk with the network provider to check the safe working distance or if hoarding etc is required
- check your scaffold every day, to ensure there is no risk of falls, falling objects or scaffold collapse.
Employers have a duty to consult with workers
Make sure your site inductions and toolbox talks include scaffold safety, such as ensuring workers don’t access incomplete sections, unlicenced workers do not alter the scaffold, and who to contact if scaffolds need altering or repair.
Fines for unsafe scaffolds
SafeWork inspectors take a zero tolerance approach to workers lives being placed at risk from unsafe scaffolds and can issue on-the-spot fines for unsafe scaffolds.
View the on-the-spot fines
Here are some of the on-the-spot fines related to scaffold safety under the work health and safety legislation.
Scaffold safety
Reason for fine | Fine for individual | Fine for corporation |
Using scaffold without written confirmation from a competent person. | $900 | $4500 |
Scaffold with safety risk has not been repaired and re-inspected. | $900 | $4500 |
Not preventing unauthorised access to incomplete scaffold. | $900 | $4500 |
Falls from heights risks
Reason for fine | Fine for individual | Fine for corporation |
Not managing the risks associated with a fall by a person. | $900 | $4500 |
High risk work (HRW) licensing
Reason for fine | Fine for individual | Fine for corporation |
Carrying out work without a scaffolding high risk work licence. | $900 | $4500 |
Direct or allow work by persons without a scaffolding high risk work licence. | $900 | $4500 |
Key resources for employers
Scaffolding Industry Safety Standard (PDF, 11195.23 KB)
The Scaffolding Industry Safety Standard is a high-level scaffold management tool for principal contractors, scaffolders, engineers, and other parties responsible for the provision and safe use of scaffold.
Scaffold inspection checklist (PDF, 392.98 KB)
Additional resources
Guides and fact sheets
- Erecting, altering and dismantling scaffolds
- General guide for scaffolds and scaffolding work – Safe Work Australia
- Guide for scaffold inspection and maintenance – Safe Work Australia
- Trestle scaffolds fact sheet
- Trestle ladder scaffolds fact sheet
Codes of practice
- Construction work (PDF, 1014.41 KB)
- Managing the risk of falls at workplaces (PDF, 2326.56 KB)
- Managing the risk of falls in housing construction (PDF, 2296.79 KB)
- Work near overhead powerlines (PDF, 3569.89 KB)
- SafeWork NSW SafetyCast - Scaffold safety
- SafeWork NSW SafetyCast - The Scaffolding Industry Safety Standard
Incident information releases
Australian Standards
- AS/NZS1576 Part 1: Scaffolding – general requirements
- AS/NZS 1576 Part 6: Metal tube and coupler scaffolding – Deemed to comply
- AS/NZS4576: Guidelines for scaffolding
Health and safety legal obligations
There are specific laws you must follow:
- Working with scaffolds: Clause 225 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017
Findings reports
More information for the construction industry is available on the building and construction page.