X-ray of the back of a man
PErforM tool

A better approach to effectively manage hazardous manual tasks.

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  • Alcohol and other drugs

    Drug, alcohol and other substance misuse is everyone's responsibility. It affects workplace health, safety and productivity.

  • Amusement devices

    If your business provides devices that people use as entertainment, like carnival rides, you need to check that the design and the device is registered.

  • Asbestos

    Information on asbestos safety at work and home, how to dispose of it safely and key facts on asbestos.

  • B

  • Bullying (a psychosocial hazard)

    Information on what is defined as workplace bullying, who to contact and how we can help.

  • C

  • Confined spaces

    Confined spaces may pose a danger because they are not designed to be areas where people work. Hazards are not always obvious, may change and the risks include loss of consciousness, impairment, injury or death.

  • D

  • Diseases

    Workers can be exposed to diseases while at work. Learn how to manage the risk of exposure to diseases in the workplace.

  • Diving work

    Diving at work covers a wide range of activities from general diving work to collecting underwater samples for scientific analysis through to high-risk diving work such as underwater construction.

  • E

  • Electric vehicles

    Information for businesses and workers carrying out work on electric vehicles including maintenance, repair, modification, disposal and accident recovery.

  • Electrical and power

    Electricity can kill or severely injure people and cause damage to property.

  • Emergency telecommunication systems and the nbn network

    There are potential risks associated with migrating your emergency telecommunication systems to the nbn™ network.

  • Excavations and earthmoving plant in construction

    Earthmoving plant and excavations can be dangerous, and you must take precautions. The result of an incident involving earthmoving plant or excavations can be fatal.

  • F

  • Falling objects

    There are many objects in the workplace – equipment, materials, tools and debris – that can fall onto someone and cause serious injury or even death.

  • Fatigue

    Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy, it is a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion that reduces a person's ability to perform work safely and effectively.

  • Forklifts

    Forklift safety can be improved when workers and businesses work together.

  • Formwork

    Formwork failures can be catastrophic and can result in serious injury or death.

  • H

  • Hazardous chemicals

    Managing the risks associated with using hazardous chemicals is everyone’s responsibility. Includes information on: Acrylamide, Benzene, Carbon monoxide, Chromium VI, Crystalline silica, Dichloromethane, Formaldehyde, Isocyanates, Methyl bromide, Xylene.

  • Hazardous manual tasks

    A manual task involves using your body to lift, lower, push, pull, carry, or otherwise move, hold, or restrain any person, animal, or thing. Learn how to identify which manual tasks in your workplace are hazardous and how to manage the risks.

  • Heat - Working in extreme heat

    Working in heat is a hazard that can result in severe health problems for workers – whether they work indoors or outdoors.

  • Horse-related injuries

    If you work with horses, you need to be aware of the risks and plan ahead to keep workers and others safe.

  • I

  • Ionising and non-ionising radiation

    Information for workers and employers about working safely around radiation sources.

  • L

  • Ladders

    Many serious incidents involve a ladder being used incorrectly or inappropriately.

  • Lifts, escalators and moving walkways

    Lifts, escalators and moving walkways can contribute to serious injury if not maintained.

  • Lighting

    Poor lighting at the workplace may contribute to hazards that put your workers at risk.

  • M

  • Mental health

    These resources will assist you in managing mental health in your workplace.

  • Mobile communication devices

    How you can keep safe while using mobile communication devices when operating (or working near) mobile or high risk plant.

  • Mobile cranes

    Information for businesses and workers about using mobile cranes safely.

  • Mould at work

    Mould at the workplace can be a serious health and safety hazard that could be putting your workers at risk.

  • N

  • Nail guns

    Many workers are seriously injured with nail guns.

  • Nanotechnology

    This information is to help businesses and workers protect themselves and others when working with nanotechnology or at risk from nanotechnology.

  • Noise

    Loud or hazardous noise can make hearing instructions or warning signals more difficult, leading to workplace injuries and incidents

  • P

  • Plant, machinery and equipment

    Plant includes machinery, equipment, appliances, containers, implements and tools and components or anything fitted or connected to those things. Some examples of plant include lifts, cranes, computers, machinery, scaffolding components, conveyors, forklifts, vehicles, power tools and amusement devices.

  • Q

  • Quad bikes and side-by-side vehicles

    Quad bikes and side-by-side vehicles are high risk vehicles. We've provided information to help keep everyone safe.

  • R

  • Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation

    Information for workers and employers about working safely around radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.

  • Remote or isolated work

    Working in remote or isolated places can create risks to health and safety and these must be managed.

  • Road safety

    If road safety risks are not managed, road crashes can occur and can lead to death or long-term injuries.

  • S

  • Scaffolding

    A scaffold is a temporary structure used to support workers and materials during the construction, maintenance or repair of buildings and other structures.

  • Sedentary work

    Sedentary behaviour such as prolonged sitting poses significant health risks.

  • Sexual harassment

    Information on ways to prevent, eliminate or minimise the risk of sexual harassment for your workers and in your workplace.

  • Shipping containers

    Unpacking shipping containers can be hazardous, particularly when it comes to unpacking heavy, awkward and unsecured items or handling sheet materials such as glass, stone, panels, and timber.

  • Slips, trips and falls: on the same level

    Slips, trips and falls are the most common cause of serious injuries at work in NSW after hazardous manual tasks, with both contributing to musculoskeletal (MSD) injuries.

  • Solar panel retail and installation

    Information for solar retailers and installers on managing legal duties and risks under work health and safety (WHS) laws.

  • Structures (including buildings)

    Designers, suppliers, importers, constructors and installers of buildings and structures including owners and managers, have health and safety responsibilities.

  • T

  • Tower cranes

    Tower cranes are an indispensable part of modern high rise construction, however, while reliable and robust, they carry significant hazards.

  • Transition of support

    Advice for when changes occur in someone’s health or medical or behavioural support needs and the current service provider is no longer able to meet that person’s needs.

  • Tree work (arboriculture)

    Every year people are seriously injured or killed while doing tree work. Most people injured have extensive experience in tree work.

  • Tyres, compressed air and split rims

    Wheels come in different sizes and can explode if not pressurised, inflated or deflated correctly. You also need to be careful when checking or removing tyres, especially if they have split rims.

  • U

  • Ultra-violet (UV) radiation

    Learn about ultra-violet radiation (UV or UVR), the risks and how to prevent exposure in the workplace.

  • V

  • Ventilation at work

    Poor ventilation at the workplace may cause health and safety hazards that could put your workers at risk.

  • Vibration

    Some workers are exposed to vibration from the vehicles, machinery, or power tools they operate on a daily basis. Prolonged exposure can lead to temporary or permanent injury.

  • Violence

    Work-related violence is any incident in which someone is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.

  • W

  • Welding fumes

    Information for PCBUs and workers about the health risks of welding fumes, and how to manage them.

  • Working at heights

    Falling from a height can cause serious injury or death. Follow simple procedures to avoid harm and keep safe when working at heights.

  • Working in cold environments

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