Incident information releases
Incident information releases are published to inform you about serious workplace incidents to help prevent similar occurrences. You can use this information to help review your risk management approaches and safe systems of work.
The information contained in incident information releases is based on our knowledge and understanding at the time of writing. No conclusions should be drawn from the information in these publications, about the cause of the incident or the culpability of any party.
Our Prosecution guidelines outline our approach to prosecutions. Safe Work Australia’s National Compliance and Enforcement Policy provides guidance on their approach to compliance. These documents set out the factors that will be considered in determining the investigative approach and appropriate outcome in each of the below incidents.
Businesses are reminded of their duty to identify hazards and manage risks to health and safety in accordance with the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017.
Our family liaison coordinator can provide information on counselling and other support to injured workers and to close family members when a relative has died or is seriously injured in the workplace. Contact us on 13 10 50 or for more information.
If there is a serious injury or illness, a death or a dangerous incident, you must report it to us immediately on 13 10 50 as an urgent investigation might be needed. See incident notification for more information.