I am a worker

Training for individuals

Many of us will be affected by mental ill-health at some stage in our life, with the current challenging times increasing this risk. One in six workers are experiencing it right now and steps to prevent mental ill health can make a difference.

The ‘Your Mental Health at Work’ training will help you manage your own mental health at work and show you how you can support others.

This easy-to-do training is delivered by a psychologist from the Black Dog Institute, who is an expert in mental health at work.

This training is free.

What will I learn?

This training only takes two hours, but the benefits will last a lifetime.

You will learn:

  • how to spot the early warning signs of mental ill-health and what to do
  • how to have conversations at work about mental health
  • what your work health and safety responsibilities are
  • strategies you can use for your own self-care or to support others
  • where to go for more support

How is the training provided?

It’s your choice: interactive workshop or self-paced online learning.

Interactive workshop:

  • only takes two hours
  • is delivered online over Zoom or face-to face at at work/public space (pending COVID-19 restrictions)
  • is delivered by a clinical psychologist
  • available for 10-25 people
  • you choose a time and location that works for you

Online learning:

  • only takes 45mins
  • can be completed at any time

Am I eligible?

You’re eligible if you work for:

  • a NSW business with less than 200 employees
  • a not-for-profit organisation of any size